The food at Rebecca’s is all homemade and cooked by our cook on the premises. The menu is interesting and varied with the children’s preferences taken into account.
Lunch is at twelve noon and tea is at four thirty. The meals consist of two course meals The staff eat with the children encouraging good eating habits and conversation.
We also give the children a mid morning and mid afternoon snack. The snack consists of milk or water and a choice of two different sugar free snacks.
The children are encouraged and helped to help themselves to their own food and drink at meal times and for snack.

Sample week menu
Chicken Curry with rice and veg
Berry Salad
Homemade Fishcakes and veg
Minced Beef with potatoes and veg
Roast Ham with roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and veg
Homemade Pizza and salad
Fruit Salad
Cheese or Ham toastie and salad
Jacket Potato and veg
Scrambled egg on toast
Quiche and salad
Chicken wrap with Mediterranean veg