Rural Location
Home Cooked Meals
Established 25 Years
Activities Include:
Preschool French
Children's Yoga
Makaton Signing
Rebecca's is a rural nursery situated in Faddiley, within an accessible distance from Nantwich, Bunbury and other surrounding villages. We have places for children from ages 0-5, with a separate baby area. Our maximum group size is twenty.
The mixed age group means siblings can spend quality time together within the day, whilst also developing new friendships across the ages. We pride ourselves on having a high staff ratios to help promote inclusivity, increase language and communication skills, including Makaton (signing) provision.
Our highly qualified staff ensure education is tailored to the individual needs of the child. Assigning a key worker to each child, enables their developments and interests to be tracked and planned for within individual and group activities.
The rural setting allows for many outdoor activities and physical development for the children within the natural world. The outdoor space around Rebecca's includes open fields and an active farm with cows and tractors to help educate the children. The caring nature of the nursery is enhance by our pets and the wildlife around us, developing an inquisitive mind.
Rebecca's prides itself in home cooked meals for all the children's needs. A healthy balanced diet is shared by all the children and staff through a communal meal time. Independence is encouraged and children are involved in preparation of meals. We accommodate all dietary requirements.

Owner and Manager
"One of my proudest moments is seeing past alumni bring their children to the nursery".

Deputy Manager
"I feel privileged to be given the opportunity to share a small part of the children's lives ".

The Goodwill Hall
Faddiley, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8HY
01270 524 253